Our partners

WIN-IT is coordinated by AIPO, who cooperates for the implementation of the planned activies with the other two beneficiaries Infrastrutture Venete S.r.l and the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport with its implementing body RAM Logistica, Infrastrutture e Trasporti Spa.

The project

Overall objective

WIN-IT pursues the objective of ensuring the navigability of the Italian IWW over at least 300 days out of 365 days per years.

This will contribute to improving a more sustainable transport capacity on the East-West axis, resulting into a more efficient transport service and reducing CO2 emissions. To this regard several infrastructural works are needed to ensure the river flows in free stream condition with average draught of -2.0 m on a year basis.

The project represents the continuation of the previous TEN-T Action nr. 2012-IT-91076-S “PO River 365” that compared the alternative solutions aimed at guaranteeing navigation in the Po river section from Cremona to the Adriatic sea and defined the infrastructural interventions needed to guarantee the free stream condition all over the year, upgrading the Po section of the Northern Italy Waterway System according to the European transport policy. 

In that regard, WIN-IT is in line with the indications provided by the Work Plan of the Mediterranean Corridor, as it aims at improving the navigability of the Po River all along its length. 

The completion of the works envisaged by the Global Project is a prerequisite to increase the traffic volumes using Italian waterway system. It will contribute to improve the traffic capacity and the efficiency of the existing infrastructures, promoting the waterway transport as a concrete alternative to road transport.

In details the objectives of the Global Projects are:

Promoting freight transport and logistics through the waterway system at the top of the national offer of inland waterway and tidal water and strengthen some important nodes of the transport network infrastructure;
Enhancing intermodality to the benefit of environmentally friendly transport systems (waterways, sea and rail) shifting freight transport from road to IWW;
Implementing and promoting a sustainable transport system to meet the targets set by the European Commission in terms of modal shift and emissions reduction;
Developing a greener-oriented transport system, ensuring an integrated and sustainable European transport system for goods, recommending a concrete “corridor greening development plan”;
Enhancing the competitiveness of the European and Italian economies by offering the advantages of inland water transport: reliability, safety and costs savings.

Specific objective

The Action aims at improving the navigability of the waterway all along the Mediterranean Corridor, in the three sections of the Italian Inland Waterway: the Western section (Cremona – Mantova Mincio river mouth), the Central section (Mantova Mincio river mouth – Po delta) and the Eastern Section (Venezia-Tagliamento River)

It will remove bottlenecks and ensure new and upgraded technical standards, from Cremona to the Po delta and from Venice up to the Tagliamento River, improving the navigation along both the Po river and the Litoranea Veneta sections of the Northern Italy IWW.

The project is structured in 4 activities as follows:

Activity 1

Detailed Design for the upgrade of the Italian Waterway System from Mincio river mouth to Po Delta

Will update the Final Design, carry out the Detailed Design and award the works contract to realize part of the infrastructures needed to ensure an average draught of - 2.0 m on a year basis in free stream condition in the section of the Po river situated between Mincio rivermouth and the Po delta, in particular in 4 sites between Castelmassa (Rovigo Province) and Ravalle (Ferrara Province).

Focuses on the Po river section between Cremona City and Mincio rivermouth. This section is already equipped with infrastructures to ensure navigability, that need to be updated and restored, being built in the 1960s. This activity will carry out the Final Design, Detailed Design and award the contract for the construction and restoration of 6 groynes, in the area close to Oglio rivermouth.

Activity 2

Final Design and Detailed Design to upgrade the Italian Waterway System between Cremona and Mincio river mouth

Activity 3

Final Design and Detailed Design to upgrade the Litoranea Veneta waterway from Venice to Tagliamento River (Grado Lagoon)

Design studies to upgrade the Litoranea Veneta waterway from Venice Lagoon to Tagliamento River (Grado Lagoon) 2022-2024. Extraordinary resection, dredging and river tooling project aimed at upgrading the Venetian coastal waterway from Venice to the mouth of the Tagliamento River (Grado Lagoon) to allow navigation of 4th class cemt vessels. Among the infrastructures of inland navigation of regional competence is the Venetian Coast, located on the Core Network TEN-T, which begins at the basin of Portegrandi, in the territory of the municipality of Quarto d’Altino (VE), extending eastwards to the basin of Bevazzana, in the territory of the municipality of San Michele al Tagliamento, Veneto regional border, and then continue in the territory of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. On the Venetian Coast, in order to complete the adaptation to the standard of Class IV CEMT, are necessary interventions of extraordinary resection of the navigable wedge, indispensable in order to ensure safe navigation, in addition to the opportunity to equip it with unique equipment points, through new landings, piers and slipways, as well as interchange areas, useful to give impulse both to the commercial development of the navigable line from Venice towards Trieste and sustainable tourism for the relaunch of the economy of the territory related to it.

RAM Spa is in charge of coordinating the communication activity providing visibility to the projects objectives and results to the general public and promoting the project to a target stakeholders audience. This will be achieved through the participation of the project at relevant national and EU events, as well as the organization of workshops, seminars and information sessions at local, national and EU level.

Activity 4

Project management and communication

Activity 1

Detailed Design for the upgrade of the Italian Waterway System from Mincio river mouth to Po Delta

Will update the Final Design, carry out the Detailed Design and award the works contract to realize part of the infrastructures needed to ensure an average draught of - 2.0 m on a year basis in free stream condition in the section of the Po river situated between Mincio rivermouth and the Po delta, in particular in 4 sites between Castelmassa (Rovigo Province) and Ravalle (Ferrara Province).

Activity 2

Final Design and Detailed Design to upgrade the Italian Waterway System between Cremona and Mincio river mouth

Focuses on the Po river section between Cremona City and Mincio rivermouth. This section is already equipped with infrastructures to ensure navigability, that need to be updated and restored, being built in the 1960s. This activity will carry out the Final Design, Detailed Design and award the contract for the construction and restoration of 6 groynes, in the area close to Oglio rivermouth.

Activity 3

Final Design and Detailed Design to upgrade the Litoranea Veneta waterway from Venice to Tagliamento River (Grado Lagoon)

Design studies to upgrade the Litoranea Veneta waterway from Venice Lagoon to Tagliamento River (Grado Lagoon) 2022-2024. Extraordinary resection, dredging and river tooling project aimed at upgrading the Venetian coastal waterway from Venice to the mouth of the Tagliamento River (Grado Lagoon) to allow navigation of 4th class cemt vessels. Among the infrastructures of inland navigation of regional competence is the Venetian Coast, located on the Core Network TEN-T, which begins at the basin of Portegrandi, in the territory of the municipality of Quarto d’Altino (VE), extending eastwards to the basin of Bevazzana, in the territory of the municipality of San Michele al Tagliamento, Veneto regional border, and then continue in the territory of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. On the Venetian Coast, in order to complete the adaptation to the standard of Class IV CEMT, are necessary interventions of extraordinary resection of the navigable wedge, indispensable in order to ensure safe navigation, in addition to the opportunity to equip it with unique equipment points, through new landings, piers and slipways, as well as interchange areas, useful to give impulse both to the commercial development of the navigable line from Venice towards Trieste and sustainable tourism for the relaunch of the economy of the territory related to it.

Activity 4

Project management and communication

RAM Spa is in charge of coordinating the communication activity providing visibility to the projects objectives and results to the general public and promoting the project to a target stakeholders audience. This will be achieved through the participation of the project at relevant national and EU events, as well as the organization of workshops, seminars and information sessions at local, national and EU level.

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